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Trinity Church, Stepanivka village

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Chernihiv region, Stepanivka village

51.526294 | 32.032279

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Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Intercession Church, Dyahova village

Dyagova village

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Church of the Assumption, Voloskivtsi village

Voloskivtsi village

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

St. Andrew's Church, Stolne village

Stol'ne village

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

St. Michael's Church, Horodyshche village

Gorodyshche village

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Intercession Church, Synyavka village

Synyavka village

Natural objects and reserves

Mena Zoo

32, Chernihivskyi Shliakh Street, Mena

Where to stay?


Scandi Park

Nova Prystan, 29, Kladkivka

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