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Dnipro’s tourist information center

In this center you can find out necessary information about Dnipro, about upcoming events in the city as well as to book an excursion.
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Dnipro’s tourist information center

In this center you can find out necessary information about Dnipro, about upcoming events in the city as well as to book an excursion.

In the information center you can get a free city’s tourist map and a brochure in Ukrainian and English, with which you can easily navigate in the city. To percept information clearly, you can use the tablet by yourself in the tourist center as well as to connect to free Wi-Fi. Anyone can assess the work of the center's staff members using an electronic app and also to leave a wish. TIC provides a wide selection of souvenirs for all tastes and budget, including Petrykivka painting.

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Dnipropetrovsk region, Heroiv Maidanu Square, Dnipro

48.464000 | 35.046144

Daily 10am-6pm

(050) 450-20-80, (067) 602-60-90

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