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Waterfall Voivodyn, Turya Polyana

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Waterfall Voivodyn, Turya Polyana

Voevodin Falls (Ukrainian Vojvodin) is a Ukrainian hydrological monument of local nature. Located on the creek Voyevodin (State Reserve "Sokolovy Skely") 12 km from the village of Turya Polyana, Perechyn district, Transcarpathian region It has scientific, aesthetic and recreational value.

The creek Voevodin originates on the mountain Polonina Runa (1497 m), flows in a deep gorge and flows into the river Shipot.

Presumably, it was formed as a result of an earthquake, during which a crack appeared in the rocks across the narrow valley.

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Transcarpathian region, Tur'ya Polyana, Закарпатская область

48.785706 | 22.8440289

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Natural objects and reserves

Воеводино курорт

Курорт «Воеводино», Тур'я Пасіка, Закарпатська область, Україна, 89223


Voevodyno Resort

Turiya-Paseka village, Perechyn District

Forts, castles, palaces

Schönborn Palace


Where to stay?


Wild vat "U Tsimbora"

9, str. Priozerna, village Lumshori

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